Professional Pistol Grip Grease Gun, 16 oz, 7500 psi, Rigid Extension/Coupler


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Product Description

Simple, quick priming – heavy duty follower spring to maintain prime. Exclusive dual leverage feature – volume or pressure mode. Ergonomic, rugged cast handle. Universal follower for cartridge and bulk use. Reliable, long lasting coupler. Bleeder valve.


Capacity Vol. [Max] 16 oz
Cartridge Size 14 oz
Designated Fluid Grease
Extension Type Rigid Pipe
Handle Type Pistol Grip
Slide Type 215863
Type 2 Pistol Grip Gun
Voltage Input 1 oz @ 30
CapacityVolMax 16 oz
CartridgeSize 14 oz
DesignatedFluid Grease
ExtensionType Rigid Pipe
HandleType Pistol Grip
OperatingPressureMax 7,500 psi
OutletType Rigid Extension/Coupler
Type Pistol Grip Gun
VolNoofStrokes 1 oz @ 30
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