High Strength Discs, 6 X 1/2 in, 4,000 rpm, Aluminum Oxide, Very Fine


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Product Description

May be used individually or stacked on straight shaft tool or bench motor. Very conformable discs.


Quantity 40 per Case
Abrasive Material Aluminum Oxide
Applications Cleaning; Finishing; Light Deburring
Arbor Diam [Nom] 1/2 in
Dia. [Nom] 6 in
Mounting Arbor Hole
Roughness Grade Very Fine
SKU Group Auto-Id 179753
Speed [Max] 4,000 rpm
Used With Mandrel 934
AbrasiveMaterial Aluminum Oxide
Applications Cleaning; Finishing; Light Deburring
ArborDiamNom 1/2 in
DiaNom 6 in
Mounting Arbor Hole
Quantity 40 per case
RoughnessGrade Very Fine
SKUGroupAuto-ID 179753
SpeedMax 4,000 rpm
UsedWith Mandrel 934
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