Galvanizer's Removable Paint Marker, White, Medium Tip, Bullet


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Product Description

Durable paint marks during fabrication. Marks are removed completely during the pickling process. Fast-drying and xylene-free. Weather resistant paint formula. Durable acrylic nib marks on smooth, rough, and rusty metal surfaces. Medium bullet tip nib makes precise marks.


ApplicableMaterials Concrete; Glass; Iron; Lumber; Plastic; Rubber; Steel; Stone
Color White
FlashPointNom 25° C
Language English
NoofTips 1
PhysicalForm Liquid Paint Markers
Resistance Weather
SKUGroupAuto-ID 401334
TempRangeMax 130° F
TempRangeMin -20° F
TipSizeNom Medium
TipType Bullet
Type Removable Paint Marker for Galvanizing
Applicable Materials Concrete; Glass; Iron; Lumber; Plastic; Rubber; Steel; Stone
Color White
Flash Point [Nom] 25° C
Language English
No. of Tips 1
Physical Form Liquid Paint Markers
Resistance Weather
SKU Group Auto-Id 401334
Temp. Range [Max] 130° F
Temp. Range [Min] -20° F
Tip Size [Nom] Medium
Tip Type Bullet
Type Removable Paint Marker for Galvanizing
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