324™ Speedbonder™ Structural Adhesive, High Impact, 50 mL, Bottle, Amber


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Product Description

Ideal for large gap applications. Offers the strength of an epoxy and the speed of an instant adhesive. Cure in minutes. Specially formulated for toughness and impact strength.


CapacityVolNom 50 mL
Color Amber
PackingType Bottle
SKUGroupAuto-ID 181789
TempRangeMax 275 °F
TempRangeMin -65 °F
ViscosityNom 17,000 cP
Wt 0.22 lb
Temp. Range [Max] 275 °F
Temp. Range [Min] -65 °F
Color Amber
Packing Type Bottle
SKU Group Auto-Id 181789
Capacity Vol. [Nom] 50 ml
Wt. 0.22 lb
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